Call us at 1800 14 25 36

Intake and Assessment

On first contact with SECADA you will be asked some questions to help us better understand your needs. This is called an intake or a screen. It usually takes approximately 30-40 minutes. Questions will be about you and will help us to understand what types of support you may need in relation to your use of alcohol and or other drugs. When this is complete, an appointment will be made while you are on the phone (or a counsellor will be arranged to call you back) for an in-person assessment. This assessment appointment is usually for an hour-and-a-half and will explore with you some of the options that best meet your needs.

People often find detox and rehab services confusing to navigate. It might also be helpful to ring SECADA or Directline to have your questions answered or to discuss these in the assessment.

Some people feel nervous about coming in for the first time. If you wish, you can bring a support person with you to the assessment. Interpreters are available upon request.


In the South East catchment counselling is available through SECADA and the SURe consortiums for adults and young people and, where appropriate, their families, either as individuals or in groups. Referrals are made through the SECADA intake and assessment service. People seeking counselling may also come through the criminal justice system such as Community Corrections and the police.

Priority access is given to clients assessed as having complex needs and those transitioning to and from residential services. Counselling is one of the treatment streams available for people receiving alcohol and other drug treatment services. Different modes of counselling include face-to-face and telephone consultations. At SECADA we do not conduct online counselling.

The counselling stream supports positive behavioural change in people through providing evidence-based therapeutic individual, group and family counselling interventions. Services focus on working collaboratively with clients and their families and providing recovery-oriented care. Contact us today for more information.

Care and Recovery Coordination

Care and recovery coordination is one of the treatment streams for people who require coordinated and longer-term care within the Victorian alcohol and other drug treatment system.

Care and recovery coordination can include pre-care support to clients on waiting lists (by telephone, face to face or online) and continues throughout the clients’ treatment and for up to 12 months after commencement of treatment.

People are referred for care and recovery coordination when their assessment by the catchment-based intake and assessment service indicates that they require complex intervention.

Care and recovery coordination involves a person and their family in coordinating their care and setting recovery goals. Treatment and care is planned with the objectives of meeting recovery goals, supporting access to other health and human services and maximising opportunities for meaningful social and economic participation. Contact us today for more information.

Non Residential Withdrawal

Non-residential withdrawal services are one of the treatment streams for people who require alcohol and other drug treatment in Victoria.

Non-residential withdrawal involves a clinical withdrawal assessment and withdrawal treatment in the person’s home or at an alcohol and other drug treatment service or in association with a rural hospital. Withdrawal services also provide referral and information face to face and by telephone.

Non-residential withdrawal may be suitable for people with alcohol and/or other drug dependence who are at low risk and who have supportive friends or family and stable housing. Contact us today for more information.

Call today and start your journey on the road to recovery 1800 14 25 36 or Contact us